catching up

There is no way that I can ever catch up on the two years that I have neglected this sweet blog of mine. But I have been drawn to it frequently over the last few months. Maybe it’s that our babies are growing up and I’m nostalgic for their tiny little selves, maybe I miss having a “real” camera in my hand instead of a phone that captures less than stellar images. I’m not exactly sure what it is or even if I will be able to keep anything up around here but I am going to try.

So, hello again world… for now at least…

And because they have grown so much, here is a pretty recent photo of our sweet little boys. Goodness I love them so :)


Last week while Felix and Nicole were in town we were able to grab a photo of all 5 cousins together. We had to wake three of our four boys up from naps to attend the afternoon family gathering, where the photos were taken, and needless to say Luc was a little less than thrilled to be smiling for the camera. We grabbed one decent photo of the 5 boys ages 6 and under (which is no small feat) and then another that I love! Not because it is picture perfect but because it cracks me up SO much! I love my boys and their sweet cousin.

the five boys

less than thrilled


I LOVE dressing the boys in matching clothing and even more so I love matching PJ’s. It’s getting more difficult to find matching stuff the more Jay grows but I will keep doing it until I literally can’t anymore, because really why not?

Sweet, freshly bathed kiddos…
matching jams

And this because it makes me laugh!
cracks me up

luc-y 2.5 (almost 3) years old

This little one is such a hambone lately. His facial expressions kill me, I love watching him play and listening to the stories that he makes up as he plays. Frequently we are hiding from lions (under quilts of course), playing with his guys or calling his HaHa (Aunt Holly) on the phone. The closer we get to Luc being three years old the feistier he gets but man can he turn on the charm when it’s needed!





Luc- that smile!


I am not exactly sure why but when Charlie turned three months old I put him in the same outfit for his photo shoot as I did with Jay and in turn I have used it with with Luc and Remy. It is fun to see a side by side snapshot of all of them together at the same age. Especially, since one of the most common questions we get since having Remy is who do you think he looks like? Honestly, I think he just looks like one of the brothers. I see glimpses of each of the boys from time to time but nothing that tips the scale towards one boy or the next.

all four boys

I don’t have Jay in this lying down pose but it’s still fun to see the others side by side.
just three  boys

we match

Luc loves to match people right now. It can be that you are literally wearing the same shirt as he is (i.e. two boys wearing their Captain America shirts) or something as simple as we are both eating right now or we both have hair on our heads. It’s sweet and I love seeing what matches he comes up with!

The other day I was changing Remy on our bed and Luc excitedly exclaimed “MOMMA, me and Baby Remy match!! We both Nehkid!!” Sure enough both of them were “naked” with just diapers on. So, of course, I documented this event…

Luc and Remy


bright eyes



more kisses

This last one is quite possibly one of my favorite photos right now. I love how they love each other.


These photos also remind me of these ones that I took of Jay and Charlie :)

9 years young

Yesterday my first and only little girl turned 9! I honesty can’t believe that our sweet Piper girl is actually that old. We couldn’t have gotten luckier with this sweet, sweet puppy. I love you tons our water loving, baby guarding (she follows the babies EVERYWHERE, it’s really the sweetest thing ever) fur baby and I am so glad that we were chosen to be your humans.

Piper turns 9

assuming the positions

sweet girl

Piper and Luc

loving on our girl

not too impressed with her hat

one without